Rafting in Nepal

White water rafting is negotiating river rapids and obstacles in an inflatable rubber boat with a team of up to eight people and a river guide. Rivers are graded from easy to near-impossible according to their size, the intensity of their rapids and the difficulties that may affect rescue attempts.
Whatever your desire for adventure, it is easy to find the perfect river in Nepal. With a wide range of difficulties from a gentle 2-day float down the Seti river, to an exhilarating 10-day adventure through the rapids of the remote Tamur and Karnali, there is an experience for everyone waiting in Nepal's famous white waters.

Nepal's rivers change with the seasons. Each year, after the heavy monsoon rains the waters swell, changing the run of the rivers and the nature of the rapids. New rapids are created; others become more difficult and some simply impossible to navigate. It is important to remember that some of the white water action you are about to read about could have changed by the time you come to run the river. At Mount Meru we are constantly monitoring changes in the rivers and their rapids, so that we can always ensure the safety of our clients and plan expeditions with precision...